原載: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) SuperHeroes版
日期: 2015/04/23

        真沒想到 DC 為了推廣漫畫英雄卡牌大亂鬥 (DC Comics Deck-Building Game),可以下重本連拍兩部電影:《復仇者聯盟》(Avengers)。只要配合電影人物,即使沒看過 DC 漫畫的新手玩家,也可以快速熟記角色牌功能。





    +1 Power for each different Super Power you play during your turn.



    +1 Power for each Equipment you play during your turn.




    For each Villain you buy or gain during your turn, draw an extra card at the end of your turn.



    If you play three or more cards with different names and cost 1 or more during your turn, +3 Power.




    You go first.
    The first time a card tells you to draw one or more cards during each of your turns, draw an additional card.

    「Sucks !」(各種意義)


    You may put any cards with cost 5 or less you buy or gain during your turn on top of your deck.




    If you play 1 or more superpowers during your turn, +1 Power. If you play 1 or more equipment during your turn, draw a card.



    If you play two or more Villains during your turn, +3 Power.
If you play two or more Heroes during your turn, +3 Power.



        因為市場反應不錯,很快地又出了擴充版 Heroes Unite 補充了八張新角色。

        沒想到 DC 為了擴充版也再拍一部續集電影,真的很用心。





    Once during each of your turns, if there are four or more different card types in your discard pile, +2 Power.



    The first time you play an Equipment during your turn, +1 Power. The second time you play an Equipment during your turn, draw a card.




    Once during each of your turns, if there are no Super Powers in the line-up, draw a card.



    If you buy or gain two or more Equipment, draw 2 extra at the end of your turn




    +1 Power for each Hero you play during your turn.



    +1 Power for each Equipment you play during your turn.




    You may pay 4 Power. If you do, gain the top card of the main deck. You may put it on top of your deck or into your discard pile.



    +2 Power and you may destroy a Villain in the Line-Up. During a Confrontation, additional +3 Power if there are no Villains in the Line-Up.


        今年(2015)的「DC漫畫卡牌大亂鬥」又連續多了三四個擴充, 看著明後年續集電影片單, 真的不能不承認 DC 是間誠意滿點的漫畫公司啊。


        ......你說什麼? Marvel?你搞錯了啦。 Captain Marvel 後來改名SHAZAM!了喔。

